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Creative Writing Tips and Story Prompts for 2024 from Top Flight

Apr 26th 2024

Creative Writing Tips and Story Prompts for 2024 from Top Flight

Take your creative writing to new heights this year

Everyone should engage in creative writing. The health benefits are virtually endless. The mental health boosts alone are worth the commitment.

The same goes for journaling. Any writing that gets you away from a screen and penning (or penciling) something is excellent.

We at Top Flight want to help supercharge this cure for the global mental health crisis. Our journals and notebooks are designed to boost your mood and be your creative writing companions.

We’ve created story prompts and creative writing tips for 2024 to help get you inspired. They’ll help increase your addiction to one of the world’s healthiest hobbies.

Our 2024 Story Prompts

Is that blank piece of paper giving you writer’s block? Here are 5 story prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

Prompt 1: Pick one major historical event from the 20th century and change it. How would things today be different?

Prompt 2: You’ve just learned that one of your family members was switched at birth. Who was it and how would your family react?

Prompt 3: You discover that a household object gives you the power to add $1 million to anyone’s bank account. But you’re only allowed to do this five times. Who do you choose and why?

Prompt 4: How would the world be different if the internet was never invented?

Prompt 5: A wizard appears to say you’ll have your dream job in exactly 5 years. Write out the steps you’d take over the next half-decade to get there.

Our 2024 Creative Writing Tips

Here are our tips to improve your creative writing. Just remember that practice makes perfect!

Tip #1: Find (and stick with) your voice

You’ve heard this one before. But it’s true. A writer MUST find their voice. Doing so makes it much easier for the reader to consume your story.

Why? Because consistency in tone makes for a seamless reading experience.

Readers want to digest info in the most simple way possible. A consistent voice means there are few surprises. It reduces the mental gymnastics that readers must perform to consume your story.

Tip #2: Show and DON’T tell

If you have to explain something… then you’ve made a mistake. Use vivid descriptions, sensory details (smells, tastes, etc.) and dialogue to introduce the reader to your world.

This allows readers to experience the story naturally. The characters’ actions, emotions and surroundings are the stars of your piece.

Pulling this off takes patience and a winning attitude. If you find yourself over-explaining things, then stop.

Tip #3: Characters over concept

Not many readers remember how Hogwarts’ grading system works. But everyone remembers Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Characters are the most important piece of the storytelling puzzle. Why? Because we relate to the characters.

Yes, we can relate to certain plot developments, but we experience those plot developments through memorable characters. The more human your characters feel, the more of an impact your story will have on readers.

Tip #4: The editing process matters

The first draft is exactly that… the first draft. Go easy on yourself and just get something on the page.

Then, read it. You’ll find a million ways to improve what’s there. The best writers in the world rely on their editors to perfect their stories. This is where most of the work is done.

It’s easy to be imaginative. It’s hard to be analytical. And this second part is where the story comes to life.

Tip #5: Soak up everything you can

Read everything you can. You’ll get better at writing the more you consume. Because practice makes perfect (let us know if you haven’t heard that before…).

The best writers in the world didn’t only read the other best writers. They sampled the good, the bad and the ugly. Creative writing is an exercise like any other. Put in the hours and you will realize your potential.

Tip #6: How you write matters

Do not use a computer, tablet or phone for creative writing. Use journals or notebooks.

Writers must unplug when they embark on a creative writing adventure.

Top Flight’s stylish notebooks and journals are the ultimate companion for any creative writer.

Visit us at for all of your creative writing needs.


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